
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


A lot of things have been going on this week! Sales have been up, and the purple hexagon table was adopted by a couple in San Francisco, and left us on Sunday. I'm glad they liked it! I have two more end tables in the works right now.  Both are square, one I already showed you so here is the other one:
Pretty crazy isn't it....... this one definitely puts up a big challenge. I'm open to ideas! I need a lot of them. I'm definitely thinking solid color, but the panels behind the designs on the doors come off, so I might do them a different color or maybe in a fabric. We'll see. Here's another "beautiful" project I have going, that I have some ideas for but I'm also pretty blocked:
Interesting, right? The problem here is some of the glasses are broken. But, I know something good will come of them. I have 2, this is the big one and I have one more that is smaller. Wish me luck!
Lastly, I put up a couple more parasols also:
Alright! Those are in the shop, have a great day!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hexagon Table; Before & After

Here it is! Remember this table? You can see the original post here. I just finished it! Kate & Ross had found this one up in Felton, or Ben Lomond. I love the shape and all the details. I went with purple because it was really nice on another table I had done (here), and I had still have a decent stock of the purples that make it happen. I debated between going with a color or stripping it down and re-staining it.  I went with color because the wood on the top would stain different than the wood on the sides.  Here are some more shots:
This table is currently for sale, either in the shop or by email. Have a good one!