
Monday, May 7, 2012

How To: Vertical Garden

I keep seeing this Home Depot commercial where in about 30 seconds, you see this lady build a vertical planter box, fill it, plant it, and hang it... Well it goes by so fast you can barely see what or how she did it, and I've been searching for it. I finally found it and thought I should share, though I wish this project was as fast as hers! When you watch the video it's a little overwhelming, but they have printable instructions that really brings it down to a manageable speed.

Doesn't that look awesome? I think I'd fill it with some slower growing foliage, like ferns  and succulents so that I wouldn't have to replant that often. Don't get me wrong, the annuals look incredible, just being realistic here... I know I wouldn't get to replanting that often!  Here's the link to the instructions & the video, what do you think - can you tackle it?  Here's a tip before you start, it has to lay horizontally for 3 weeks to let the roots set.  So if you're planning to have this up for a certain date, plan ahead - good luck!


  1. Thank you for the link. I too have been looking for days for this. My wife who never "wants" anything told me she really wants one of these planters, so I am going to make her one or two even! Thanks again!

  2. Sure! I'm glad you can use it, be sure to start early - it needs time to set!
