
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DIY: Sculptural Paper Orb

One of the most versatile and affordable lighting options has been, and will always be, the rice ball lamp. I have seen so many different projects over the years, all with their own unique look.  Usually involving very affordable and available materials, these spheres always make such an impression when added to a room. The lamp itself can be found for under $10, many sizes, and is honestly a weekend project. It's been a while since I posted about the many wonders of the rice ball lamp, so here's some refresher links: The Paper Scrap light (a favorite!) & the Artichoke lamps from Zipper 8. So now, special thanks to another wonderful Design Sponge tutorial, we have another rice ball project to add to the ranks.  Behold the Sculptural Paper Orb:
And what are they made of?
Cupcake Liners. Simple, lightweight, paper cupcake liners. Of course! When I first saw the photo I couldn't quite put my finger on it, probably because they used the mini cupcake liners in the center in a different color.  How about a close-up:

 These remind me of a type of sea creature, a sea sponge I think. I'm not sure, I was never good with my invertebrates names.  For the full tutorial, head to Design Sponge

Today I'm fortunate to have some time to finish up an Armoire I've been working on for one of the upcoming School of Restoration tutorials, and it looks like the weather will behave for me today. Before I go, let me show you another rice ball creation, again from Allison of the 3 R's, she's so clever! Can you guess what these are?
Fortune tellers! Happy Wednesday, keep in touch, what do you think - are you going to tackle any of these soon?  Even without a light, they look great.

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