
Monday, October 29, 2012

How To: Sliding Barn Door

I've shown you all pictures of the house-to-be, and like anytime I'm about to move, all I can think about is what will go where, how to decorate, and what needs to be fixed right away. This fills up 85% of my thoughts, no joke! So one of the issues that's been killing me, is the positioning of some of the doors in the new place.  Someone did not think this through.  Particularly the larger bedroom, let me try to paint you a little picture here.  The door opens inward, and blocks a door that goes outside.  That door that leads outside, also opens inward.  Can you picture the problem? You can't have them both open at the same time, no matter how much you swap the directions. They slam into eachother.  Until this...
The Stony Brook House
The perfect solution, a slider!
This is going to fix that problem entirely.  The tutorial is great too, makes it look so easy! I love the way it slides behind the shelf.  I bet this means you can't lock it, etc, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.   Head over to The Stony Brook House for the full tutorial.  Just as this barn door was showing up on my radar, another sliding door in blog-land caught my eye:
Kara Paslay
LOVE that metal!  The look is very industrial & modern, I'd love to incorporate this into the future home.  I bet you're wondering how much that huge metal door costs, (so was I!) and you'll be happy to know, it's very inexpensive, as she made it herself! It's not even metal. Don't believe me? Hop over to Kara Paslay's blog for the full tutorial.  Just takes a little paint and some chemical reactions.  I've featured her tutorials before, as in the Mason Jar Chandelier Tutorial.

That's all for now, enjoy your day, & to our East Coast readers, please stay safe!

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  1. you have mentioned very useful and profitable message message for us.

  2. Breakthrough! Sliding doors are truly amazing because they are both functional and aesthetic. While I didn’t see the doors on your bedroom, I can imagine your problem. The main concern that you probably had is the width of the sliding door, since you’d need to have room to accommodate it. It’s pretty clear that you’re quite handy with DIY projects, so I know you’ve had a plan in mind.

  3. It’s amazing how we can use the blogosphere to find inspiration and solutions to our dilemmas. I think your problem would’ve required a professional’s help because the problem was structural. Well, you don’t have to go that far since you’ve found an amazing solution! And oh, the metallic door looks unique. I’m excited to see you work on a project like that.

  4. Oh, I saw her tutorial, too! I think it’s absolutely amazing to be able to think of ways to save on the costs of materials while still maintaining the aesthetic value of the project. When I made use of the insulation foam, I was able to come up with my own design. I think it would be great if we could come up with an original project, too. =)

    Willene Fagen
