
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wild Wedding Weekend

Hi Everyone! We are back! I don't know if I mentioned it, since I had so much to do to get ready - but last weekend we had not one but two weddings!  I haven't been to a wedding in years, so the fact that these both landed on the same weekend was a crazy coincidence.  Luckily we were able to make it to both, and celebrated the marriage of two couples, and great friends.  Saturday's wedding was in Sacramento (about 2.5 hour drive from us), and we had the foresight to go a day early.  I am SO happy we did that, we ended up sitting in about 4.5 hours worth of traffic, and if I had to rush to a wedding after that?  I don't think I would have stayed up as late as I did! Wedding #2 was closer to home, in Aptos, which is normally a fairly foggy place year round.  Luckily, it was a gorgeous 85 degree afternoon.  Perfect for an outdoor wedding. It was beach themed, and we were surrounded by beautiful Monterey Cypress trees on a lush green golf course. They chose a fantastic location and they did an amazing job creating this wedding. Congratulations Meghan & Adam!

I snapped a few photos throughout the trip to share, here was our hotel room in Sacramento:
Very modern - I love that so many hotels are going the studio-apartment route...

It's like they finally got the hint that people were preferring to stay in condos over hotels.   It's surprising how comforting a kitchen can be!  I love the way the sun poured in our room.  I requested a high floor, and wow did they deliver.  Floor 11!

We were right next to the Capitol building, and the beautiful Capitol Park.  I'd never been in the park surrounding the Capitol,  it was so pretty & full of all these different varieties of Native California trees.
The wedding was held in a beautiful historic building nearby, and I'll have some pictures to share shortly.  It was so great to see everyone again, and the bride & groom did an amazing job putting this celebration together, it was fantastic.  Kate & her family & friends also did so many DIY creations for the wedding, it all looked perfect.  Congratulations Kate & Kevin!

Before the actual wedding, Ralph & I wandered around Downtown Sacramento for a bit. I hadn't really spent all that much time there, turns out I really liked it! So many parts of it remind me of San Francisco, the architecture, the greenery - and you can tell there is a lot of personality living there. Look what we stumbled upon near the convention center:
That's the actual blue, no Photoshop here! I couldn't figure out why they were painted blue, other than it looking amazing.   There were a lot of different sculptures and art installations in this area, so it must just be part of that.  The blue was so striking, it looked fake.  It made me think, I wonder if I would want to paint some trees different colors? It might be worth trying, especially using an environmentally friendly paint that wouldn't harm the tree... something to think about! Have a fantastic day everyone, if you're in California, enjoy this strange warm weather!

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