
Friday, February 15, 2013

Giveaway Alert: Free String Art!

Yup. Anyone one you want, sugar! I'm finally doing a giveaway for the string art.  Lindsey, of Better After, was kind enough to host the giveaway, and the prize for a lucky winner is absolutely any string art installation your heart can dream of. This includes names, which aren't cheap! (Hey, they're a lot of work!) So run, don't walk, over to Better After, and enter this giveaway right quick.  There are four ways to enter, which totally quadruples your odds.  Run, and share with your friends! Someone's going home with a customized string art tablet.  In case you missed my subtle linkage in the text above here, here's the direct link: Custom String Art Giveaway.
Love ya!


Up next: A DIY Cardboard Chandelier. Yes, Cardboard!

Let's keep in touch: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter & of course, Email


  1. Clicked over from Better After! Love your work =)

  2. Found you on better after. Your art is to die for!

  3. How is it that only 4 people have commented here?! Are they crazy or all asleep?! I love the yellow flowers, and the reverse "home", and, and, and! :-) so excited!

  4. Wow I love these...remember doing a very feeble version back in the day...yaaay bought back fun memories, great giveaway x

  5. Coming over from Better After. These are lovely! The yellow flowers on two boards is so cute. I had done one as part of a pulley art set recently, but after seeing these, I need to up my game! Fantastic work.

  6. of course I found you on better after and your work is fantastic! I loved your items in your etsy shop. the elephant is awesome.

  7. Wow! I think this is awesome! The bird! The chunky F! The owl! Adorable!

  8. I just found you thanks to Better After, I have to say I've seen string art returning but yours are a notch above most. I would have to say my favorite one is the yellow flowers.

  9. Found you from Better After, loving your blog and your art, I think I'm your new biggest fan :)

  10. Found you through Better After. Love the String Art. I know an elderly woman that makes string art cards. Just as your art her work is also beautiful! Wish I had talent like the two if you!

  11. wow, you're very talented. The work is just too cool!


  12. Love, love, love them, especially the flowers mounted on the distressed wood

  13. Thanks everyone!! Should be hearing about our winner soon from Lindsey.. :)
