
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Giraffe String Art Tablet

Hello everybody! And a big welcome to all our new subscribers just tuning in... I've been crazy busy lately with string art orders.  The best part? A lot of the people ordering have all kinds of fun ideas, so we've been working together to come up with some new (fun!) designs.  Check out this giraffe:
What do you think? I love him (or her?), I'm considering making one for our house.... hehe. I had trouble deciding what pose to do - straight on, side profile, etc - and settled with straight on.  The ears were too cute, and the tail is a nice touch.  So now that I've made one, I can make more for those who want one too: You can order them in my etsy shop by clicking here, or on the "My Etsy Shop" Tab above.

Here's another one I did this week, with the name "Jace" - I'm really diggin' this color combo that the person chose. The stain is "Weathered Oak" and came out so differently than I'd expected. In a really good way! It's kind of brown gray, and looks like it's description....weathered!  Plus the blues, white, and light green string they chose look great together.
Name tablets can also be ordered in the shop if you're interested, I tried to make ordering easier by putting up generic listings that say "3 letters name tablet" or "5 letters name tablet". This way, you just buy the ad with the number of letters you need, choose your strings, stains, nails & fonts - and BOOM! Done.  You can find those types of listings here.

On a side note, I also wanted to show some new fonts I have! Everyone seems to love the classic, but I think it would be fun to play around with some of these on a name board:
Market and Remachine are my favorite, and I'm making a few in those fonts right now. So I'll show them soon. 

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great week, and if you haven't already - don't forget to enter the Father's Day Ryobi giveaway! There's still $400 at stake here... Hop over to this post if you  missed it. 

Take the time to enjoy your day today..   :)


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