
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Marilyn Monroe String Art + 4 Others

I finally, finally finished up my largest string art installation EVER.  I had an idea one day in the shower (all great ideas come from a good shower) that I should try a face in string.  One thing led to another, and it got bigger and bigger, and I finally settled on Marilyn Monroe.
I'm so happy with how it came out! I wasn't sure how it would all work, and I think it's working pretty well...  this now sits above my desk, in the living room, which was formerly blank. 
Majorly spruces up my work zone & gives me something to look at when I'm brainstorming.  The string is navy blue, on 12 Tea stained tablets.  I wanted some plant life on my desk but since I'm sadly not next to a window, a vase will fill in just fine. I threw this redwood tree trimming in and it's stayed alive for a while now:
Cute widdle twee.  I had finally caught up on my string art orders one week & was able to experiment with my new designs, this is Bluebird 2.0 - much more detail! Available here.
I was goin' for the vintage swallow tattoo... I love that style. Nailed it! Haha... get it, nailed it.. 
Favorite fabric!
I threw this design in the shop, available here.

Then I made this "Create" sign for Cassie over at Primitive & Proper, she was the winner of my recent string art giveaway over at Redoux:
Really happy with this fade, that pink is great:
Another lovely fabric:
This one was for my sister as a wedding present:
 Their living room is reds, creams, browns...
And I finally got to finish my makeably sign, which I did as a thank you gift for the awesome people over at

Just a lil update on the new stuff. Lots has been going on around the house too, we installed a new faucet - I can't wait to show it to you! It's changed my life. Well, the doing-dishes side of my life anyway. We also got the courage to paint a wall navy blue.  It came out awesome.

Off to Home Depot, what's new in your hood?


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  1. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! you're going to be known for this piece of work. Mark my words!

  2. LOVE them all! you are so talented!!!! and love love love mine! read that last one too fast though and my brain read "make a baby". oops- totally different message!

  3. Jesse, this is just so cool!!! Sharing at my FB page. Wow, you have truly outdone yourself! That must have been some shower!

  4. Marilyn Monroe!!!!! Are you freaking kidding me!!!!!!! That is awesome, completely over the top and I'm pinning it.

  5. They all look gorgeous! I've been trying to do some string art myself but I'm not happy with the nails I'm finding in stores. They are either too long or the head is two large. What nails to you use?

  6. That is so fantastic, very impressed!

  7. I finally, finally finished up my largest string art installation EVER. I had an ...
