
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bottle Brainstorm

Let me start by declaring, I am not a hoarder.  However - I have spied these bottles in my recycle bin lately, and can't stop thinking about them.  Ok, maybe that is a little hoarder-ish... but sometimes I see a bottle, or other everyday object, and it sticks in my head.  I think "there must be a way to re-use that!".  So, the bottle is from a coffee called "Chameleon" or something, and a friend of mine drinks a lot of them.  So many, that any given week I can count on a good 5 or 6 in our recycle bin.  Here's what caught my eye and sparked my interest:
That shape! It's so cute. It reminds me of the stubby little Red Stripe bottles, except these are clear. And don't immediately remind you of beer.  Much better!  Plus the label was a piece of cake to get off of it, which is another huge consideration when you're hoarding re-using bottles.  Nothing kills the fun like breaking out the acetone and scrubbing off bottle ink...

Now I need ideas! This is where you come in - what would you do with these? I mean, vase of course is the obvious one.. but I have so many at my disposal (no pun intended!) that I could really use a wide variety of ideas.  The first thing that comes to mind is the color dip look, which I love & see all around lately.  Stools, chopsticks, bottles... I love that the line isn't perfect, hence the dip. Plus I want to try dipping & then placing them upside down, for a sweet drip effect.  Example:
I'll have to play with dipping regular paint vs. chalk paint, the chalk paint sounds good since it sticks to everything.  The photo above is from the site, Mums Business, which has quite a few dipping tricks and ideas.

Do you have any bottles that you can't seem to throw out? What ideas do you have for re-using these beauties? Have a fantastic Thursday everyone!

P.S. - Yes, that was totally the new IKEA catalog in that shot up there, it finally came! I must be the last one to get it....

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