
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New String Art Designs: Halloween & Elephants

What a bad blogger I've been! I haven't been posting nearly as much, forgive me. After the vacation, I had to rush to finish up a ton of new string art orders, and I'm happy to say I'm caught up.  I'm also excited to show you the new designs! One of the great perks about having the string art so customizable, is the recipient and I come up with brand new stuff together.  I snapped a few photos before sending them out today,  here is a larger version of my sea snail - came out great:
She wanted it for a gallery wall, should look nice! Here's a festive take on my winter tree, a Halloween tree! This was a custom request, why didn't I think of this? I love it! Perfect Halloween decoration:
Another custom request was a spin off the bird tablets, this elephant:
I really like the Elephant! No - it's not political at all, that was a coincidence, haha. But I guess it could be, for the right person. Elephants are just plain cute. This is a birthday gift for someone, and was completely customized too.  So that's what I've been up to, plus three name plaques that I hope to be able to show you (and ship off!) tomorrow.

If you would like to order a custom tablet, get in touch with me here or browse the shop, I have a lot of custom orders set up & ready to go.  All colors of stain & string are customizeable.  Have a fun day!

Keep in touch: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter & Email.

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