
Monday, April 1, 2013

More String Art Tablets: Wrap it up

I'm the type of person that tends to start a lot of projects at once, and then get sidetracked and start more, to the point where I have to really be strict and stick to a list just to finish everything up. I get excited, and motivated, can you blame me? Everything seems like "oh this will only take a second" and it actually takes a few days, or more...

Ok after reading what I just wrote, it's decided - that's my goal this week, wrap up all these random projects.  I have a folder of literally 200 pictures of these random projects, waiting to be cropped, edited & assembled into posts. That being said - some of you may have seen a recent tablet order I finished up, if not - take a looksee:
This was a mega-order. Four tablets. 23 letters.  A LOT of string......
This was for a customer's 4 boys....

The colors are so fun - came out cute! It's so funny, I love trying out new projects or ideas that I have, and when I think it's 1) something others might enjoy and 2) something I wouldn't mind making more of, then I pop it the shop. You never really know what will be a success and what will sit there, but these string art tablets have taken off. I've been so flattered & excited to make them for people's homes, and I haven't lost steam on them at all, each one is still exciting.  Plus - sometimes I need a break from perpetual home improvements to just work on a satisfying project.  Know what I mean?  Here's one from a few months ago that never got posted (see!? time flies....)

 Love that blue stain! Hard to tell in the photos, but it totally shows the wood grain.  And actually, the person who ordered this one chose 4 different shades of white for the letters, but on the blue your eye just groups them all into one color.  Learned a little tip there....

If you're interested in ordering a tablet or want to discuss a new project with me, I'm always accepting orders - keep in mind I need about 2 weeks (usually less) to do a custom job start to finish.  Check out examples in my etsy shop: here.

Alright, what are your goals this week? Do you make endless lists like me, only to stray away from them? I've got clipboards & to-do lists for days... days that I don't have - heh....

Do something you love today, hope you are having some spring weather in your area! Warm rain over here, it's so nice...


Up Next: Let us decorate with wood that washes ashore... driftwood mobiles baby!

Let's keep in touch: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Subscribe & of course, Email me.
Want more? Here are some related moments on the blog:


  1. Really cool blog - your stumbled upon mine and I found yours! Love it! Love your art (fellow Etsian, too). That Owl really rocks!!

  2. I love this font! I'm making a banner for my kid's birthday party and was wondering if you could tell me what the name of this font is? Thanks so much!

  3. Ellen, Try SHOWCARD GOTHIC. It looks very similar.

  4. I LOVE this idea!! I was just on pinterest looking for a new idea to make as a house warming gift for a friend. Instead of just making the same old Welcome To Our Home sign I wanted to make her and her wife something different since they just bought their first home. This is super cute and totally original. Love it! Thanks for sharing!
