
Monday, July 8, 2013

Looking back at July 2012

Time goes by so quickly that it's easy to forget how much you really did in the time that has passed.  Looking forward into this month, I randomly thought of going through last July's archives to see what was going on back then, and was surprised to see that not that much time has passed! In my memory these projects seemed like years ago, and yet - it was only one.  Let's take a walk down memory lane... 

So last July my mega project was the first roll top desk makeover:
This seemed like MUCH longer ago! This was also my first time with chalk paint, and I really liked it. Click here for the full post.

Our impromptu vacation was to Clear Lake:

I was polishing up the Beach Towel bookshelf, which is a color I'm still totally in love with a year later...reminder to self: must use more beach towel!
I was definitely doing a lot more furniture than I am now.. partly because I had more space for it back then, and also because the house is really dominating the project realm. Oh yea, we were also waiting on a house back then that turned out to be a disaster. Dodged that bullet!

Here was my color wash tutorial for the School Of Restoration series I was doing for The Divine Minimalist:

And my favorite recipe of the summer was this amazing Avocado & Jicama Salad I was in love with, I must have brought it to so many bbq's.. 

This all takes me back.. it's crazy the changes that have happened in our lives in only one year, but I'm also happy to see that it really was only one year.  Do you ever take a breather to look back at your lives a month ago, a year ago, 5 years ago? Whenever you feel like time is moving too quickly, take a moment to realize all the great things you've done, the memories you've made, and the relationships you've built in such a short amount of time.  It only feels like time is flying because we are actually doing so much, so that feeling is a good sign in a way....?

Hope everyone had a great relaxing weekend, every meal of ours seemed to be bbq'd and the days were nice and lazy.  How was your weekend?


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