
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Off to Lake Topaz, Nevada

I've got some time off and luckily so does Ralph, so we are off to Lake Topaz, Nevada for some camping fun with his family. I've never been, but here are a few pictures I found (thanks googy!):

This will be a new one for me but I know I'll love it!  Lakeside camping, warm weather, swimming... sounds perfect. So we'll be gone until Sunday July 14th.  For those of you ordering string art tablets, I'll start up as soon as we're back! 

What vacations have you gone on, or are going to this summer? I've seen so many other peoples vacay photos on Facebook, Instagram and various blogs... I love 'em.  I've found living vicariously through other peoples vacations makes the work day go faster, for me at least!

And, we're off! Have a great week....


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