I always end up using whatever empty box is lying around, scribbling on the side of it in sharpie, and wishing it looked better. So when I saw this post from Craftaholics Anonymous, it really hit home. Cheap, Cute, and could be made on the fly with scraps around the house. I present to you, Fabric Covered Bankers Boxes:

How do I know it's an Expedit? It's creepy, really. I have no idea how this happened to me, maybe I was struck by Ikea lightning or something - but ever since my first catalog, I've had their inventory completely memorized. This is a strange, effortless phenomenon - I can even quote you prices most of the time. And I don't sit around studying the catalog all day either - this is a mystery to me, but hey - it works, so why argue. Plus to double check, I read up on the blog that it is indeed Expedit. :) Which is Ikea's newer line of affordable shelves, I think they are steering away from Billy. Whoah.... too much Ikea there. Suddenly I want swedish meatballs....
I originally saw these boxes over at Craftaholics Anonymous, but it looks like the original post is from Adventures of Brad and Kendra. So head over to either one, spread some love if you're feeling it, and get yourself some bankers boxes. No home should be without!
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